Poor Barrett had a total of eight ear infections in one year! Upon recommendation from our pediatrician, we visited the ENT. He confirmed that Barrett would benefit from getting tubes in his ears. We scheduled the surgery for a couple days before Christmas.
When we arrived bright and early to the surgery center, Barrett knew something wasn't right. He immediately got very clingy and uneasy. After check-in, we headed back for pre-op. Barrett knew immediately when they started the weigh in process that we were there for him to see the doctors. The tears and screams started as we had to restrain him just to get a few simple procedures done. Thankfully this surgery did not require an IV or any type of blood to be taken. As we got him settled down (thanks iPad!) Grandpa and JoJo arrived which made our little boy very happy. The doctor and anesthesiologist came into the room an explained the procedure for taking Barrett. They coined it a "grab and run!" And that they did! We could hear a few whimpers from Barrett as they headed down the hall, and this hormonal, pregnant momma couldn't hold back the tears anymore.
I didn't quite believe the doctors when they said it would take fifteen minutes, but after ten minutes Barrett was in the recovery room. It took him a few minutes to come out of the anesthesia, and then he was super groggy. A few minutes after that we were heading home!
Barrett was not a happy camper on our way home, and instead of wanting his mommy he wanted Grandpa. Travis thinks he said "Grandpa" no less than 100 times, only to say "ice cream" as we passed Monster Yogurt!
I thought when we got home we would have a pajama day and watch movies on the couch. Barrett had other ideas and wanted to go outside to play just thirty minutes after we were home. By 10 am we had our spunky, energetic little boy back. This mommy is happy to report that Barrett has had ZERO ear infections since the tubes. We made the right decision!
Ice cream treat the night before. |
Waiting for the doctor |
Happy camper playing outside! |