Barrett made his debut a little early than we expected. Here is the story:
On October 30th I had a my weekly visit with Dr. Hays. I was only dilated 1cm and not thinned at all. He was also still high and had some dropping to do. My doctor thought we still had plenty of time until our November 11th due date. So you can see why I was completely surprised that my water broke later that night! As I was turning over in bed, I felt my water break. I was excited at first until I realized it was Halloween. All through the pregnancy all I was saying was I did NOT want a Halloween baby. I wanted Barrett to have a day that was special just to him.
I called the doctor, confirmed that my water did break, and I needed to head to the hospital even though I wasn't having any contractions. Travis and I packed our bags and were on the way at 3:30am! We got checked into the hospital and into the labor and delivery room quickly. After getting hooked on to the monitors and checked by the resident, we learned that I was still only 1cm and barely thinned. Travis and I tried to get some sleep as we were waiting to hear from the doctor how she wanted to proceed. The nurse started me on pitocin at 7am to start contractions and get the process under way. The contractions started about thirty minutes after my medicine started. By noon labor was in full swing. I was getting very uncomfortable so I asked for the epidural. Things got much easier after the meds started to kick in!
Around 3pm Dr. Hays came by again to check on my progress. I was still only dilated to 3cm and fully thinned. Barrett still had some dropping to do and his heart rate was going up. There was no indication that he had an infection, but they kept a close eye on him. We discussed our options and decided rather than keep laboring and put more stress on the baby, that a c-section was the best option.
The staff worked quickly, and in no time I was in the operating room. By 4:07pm William Barrett Powell arrived weighing in at 6 pounds 3 ounces and 20 inches long! Travis watched and took pics as they cleaned him off. Finally I got to meet my new sweet boy! It was love at first sight. Here are some pictures from the special day!
Getting cleaned! |
Our family of three. |
Meeting Grandpa and JoJo |
First bath |
Napping with Daddy |
Getting ready to go home! |
So tiny his outfit swallowed him |
At home |
Meeting Bentley |
Barrett, Dad, and Poppa |
Proud grandparents |
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